Farming, the Biggest Job on Earth
BASF's ‘Farming, the Biggest Job on Earth’ podcast shares experiences from the people that grow and rear our food and care for the natural environment. Each episode, Jane Craigie talks to farmers about the realities of what they do and how they do it to bridge the gap between farming and the food on supermarket shelves. From the early starts and the constant decision making to fostering a shared love of food and UK produce, Jane gets to the heart of issues facing agriculture today to help us reconnect with where our food comes from.
Farming, the Biggest Job on Earth
Where’s your bread at?
In our first episode, we’re talking about all things bread. Where it comes from, how it’s made and our favourite types. We talk to Lincolnshire farmer Andrew Ward, who gives a frank picture of farming, and the role farmers play as stewards of the environment. Angus McDowell shares his experiences as a farmer, maltster, and miller from East Lothian and finally, we hear from Pete Welborn a third-generation family baker. Friends of BASF share their favourite bread and how they like to eat it and are way off in how many loaves the UK bakes every day. Have a listen and to show you’re support, tell us why you think farming is the biggest job on earth to receive a free t-shirt here: https://www.agricentre.basf.co.uk/biggestjobonearth/tshirts